You know the situation. You simply want to burn and print
a few CDs/DVDs – and suddenly half the day’s gone.
It shouldn’t be this way. And it doesn’t have to be – the fully
automatic Epson Discproducer™PP-100 can do it for you
at the touch of a button. Whether you want just one disc, or
one hundred, you’ll find it delivers reliable data burning and
photo-realistic printing – quickly, efficiently and extremely
The new EPSON Discproducer™
In cooperation with Epson the new compact production system for automated burning and printing of CD/DVD-media has been developed. The all new
EPSON Discproducer™ is the perfect Device for everyday office use to simplify the compilation of otical media.
Highend-printing technologies and robotics
The quality of a production system for burning and printing CD/DVD-blanks is predominantly defined by the precision and the interaction of printing-technologies, software and robotics.
Epson, in co-operation with ADR, are the only providers developing and marketing ink-jet printers and precision-robotics for industrial use. Now two core-technologies have been combined into one uniqe and professional product.
Alongside the standalone-version of theEpson Discproducer™ Epson is developing a network-compatible version capeable of additional security-features that will be avaiable in 2008.
The Epson Discproducer™ is the perfect tool for maximising margins in the rapidly
growing media production market. Whether you want to use it for an individual disc or
a batch job, its high reliability, superb print quality and cost-effectiveness make it the
ideal system for service providers.
Discproducer™ for Clinics and practices
The switch from analogue X-ray or CT film to digital imaging offers new possibilities
for cutting process costs and improving patient service. In areas such as radiology,
cardiology, ultrasound and CT imaging, the medical community can supply a better
service to its patients through the use of digital data.
(PACs Software with DICOM interface)
Features You Can Count On
100 disc capacity
AcuGrip™ technology minimizes two-disc feeding
Highest quality printing in its class with MicroPiezo technology
Six individual, high capacity ink cartridges
Low-ink sensor and LED for each cartridge
Publishing speeds of up to 30 CDs and 13 DVDs/hour
Single Ink Cartridges
Compact, dust-proof rugged construction for top reliability
Easy-to-use software with label templates
Economical to operate and maintain
In kiosk mode, can automatically alternate between CD and DVD publishing
System Requirements EPSON Disc Producer
OS: Windows XP Home/Professional SP2 or later
Windows 2000 Professional SP4 or later
CPU: Pentium 4, 1.4 GHz or higher
Memory: 512 Mbytes or larger,
HDD capacity: 10 Gbytes or larger, 7200 rpm or more
For DVD-R Systems Windows 2000 or XP with NTFS Filesystem is required
Other products / Links
Als deutscher Hersteller für CD Kopierer, DVD Drucker und CD/DVD Verpackungsmaschinen bieten wir Ihnen das gesammte Produktsortiment zur Erstellung von optischen Datenträgern. Unsere Produktpalette umfasst folgende Systeme: